الأحد، 16 يونيو 2013

types of diarrhia in pets

  • types of diarrhia in pets

     Types of diarrhea:
    Most common . salmonella - ecoli
    What to watch for; fever ,watery diarrhea  , predisposed to dehydration , sudden onset
    Salmonellal diarrhea is charachteristic with yellowish colour and fetid odour
    Antibiotics of choice for salmonella:amoxicillin,chloramphenicol,fluroquinolones,sulfa and trimethoprime
    Leptospirosis in dogs bloody diarrhea
    Usually accompanied with mucous amd fetid odour may be whitish or greenish in colour
    Treatment :metronidazole, sulfa , metronidazole

    Dogs:parvo ,canine distemper , corona virus >>> developes to bloody diarrhea
    Cats:the most common  panleukopenia virus > bloody diarrhea
    Feline immunodeffeciency
    Treatment is symptomatically and supportive care

    (4)parasitic  :round worm and tapeworms
    Drug of choice ;albendazole,fenbendazole ,flubendazole

    (5)dietary :
    Due to sudden change of diet like changing from dry food to canned food or due to food allergy to some types of diet,preservatives,flavoring or food addetives
    Treatment : eliminate the cause of the diarrhea
    Abnormal colours of stools:

    (1)red stools
    Means  there is blood in stools refers to intestinal bleeding from colon or rectum due to parsites or inflammatory bowl disease or anal fissure.

    (2)black stools:
    Means internal  bleeding  from  the stomach or upper part of GIT> gastric ulcer  or iron supplement in diet
    (3)green stool: bile in stools due to fast passage of stools through large intestine
    Giardia infection

    (4)yellow or pale stool:
    Means absence of bile due to liver damage, gall bladder stones,bile duct obstruction

    (5)mucous in stools:
    Protozoal infection
    Obstruction of intestine